Sunday, September 5, 2010

Growing up

This baby girl is growing up way to fast.  Let's put aside for a moment her picking out her own clothes for the past two years (and what interesting clothes they are), that her favorite sentence is, "I know Mom!", and that she is known to talk in adult speak, even if it is some other adult speak (her favorite topic right now is how we should just "chill and hang out").

Tonight she put herself to bed, all by herself.  We had home church here this evening and the one other family that brings their children didn't make it so we told her she could go play in her room for a little while and then we'd come up later and tuck her in.  Both of us forgot about it, and when we went up to check on her, she was sound asleep, having tucked herself in bed, turned on her fan, and turned off her lights.

There are a lot of things that I want my children to grow up and do for themselves, like occasionally remember to pick up a toy or two.  But I hope I get to tuck them in, read to them, and pray with them for many, many years to come.  And I hope she'll call me, mommy for a while longer, even if it is proceeded with "I know!"

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