Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The family she made

There's nothing like hard times to either bring people together or tear them apart. The past few days have been used by God to remind me just how blessed I am to be a part of my family. There are a lot of blessings that we don't give God full credit for because we think we had a role in acquiring them (even without realizing we're doing that). But family, that is easy to see was all God, I could no more control what family I was born into than I could cause the sun to rise. Thanks be to God for this great blessing in my life, my family.

My grandma is in the hospital, she broke her leg and needed surgery. It's scary, I walk around the house with butterflies waiting for my phone to ring to get the latest update. But God has blessed me with His peace, when I let Him and decide to trust. The good part of it all has been that I've talked to my family several time a day for three days now. I usually only talk to them once every few weeks or once a month, so this constant talking has been nice. It has been wonderful to know that we're all pulling together to get through this, everyone willing to sacrifice and help out in anyway needed, checking in on each other to make sure we're doing all right. We are a very close family and we all love my grandma dearly, so we'll be stressed for a while as the treatment continues but I know we'll get through this and end up closer for having gone through it together. Because that's what we do, this is the family she made.

Please pray for my grandma her name is Lila, that God will protect her from infection and pneumonia, heal her leg, and fully recover from the side effects of the drugs and trauma. Thank you from my whole family who knows we are the family we are today because of her.

To read a previous post on my grandma click here.

Here's a video of my grandma.

And here's a video I hope makes her smile.

"I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right." Billy Graham

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