Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Whatnot Wednesday

* Your tax dollars at work: The IRS is investigating the legitimacy of our right to claim the adoption credit, two months later we still do not have our tax refund (and yes we definitely qualify for the adoption tax credit).  Today we got two envelopes from the IRS, both addressed to Kyle and myself, inside each envelope was a letter stating that they had received the paperwork we sent them AND another identical letter.  That's right we received two envelopes containing four letters each saying the exact same pointless statement of, we got your mail.

*The snack experiment got off to a bad start.  Less than 24 hours in Kylynn stole a piece of a brownie, now mind you it was a tiny little piece but still.  Now that the newness of it all has worn off I've yet to see her eat anything out of her snack bin and the fruit and veggies are hardly touched.

* Since Chloe came home I've been doing my grocery shopping at night time.  By the time we get the kids to bed and I get all my stuff together I'm getting to the store around 9 o'clock at night, it's amazing to me that I manage to buy the right things and stay awake to drive home.  Last week I got home from the store and began putting everything away, I was so tired that it took me about 15 minutes before I noticed this.

Yes, there are onions hanging in my pantry.  Kyle had taken up some of the ones from our garden and had hung them up to dry while I was out.  Speaking of my pantry want to see the rest of it, well since you asked and all.

*My summer goals are coming along.  The teacher's pet in me now feels like I'm going to be graded since I let the whole world 12 people who read this blog in on my goals.  I've begun reading Bringing Up Girls by Dr. Dobson.  I am really enjoying it and at the same time terrified to ever let Kylynn or Chloe leave my sight again :)

*Kylynn is so excited about gymnastics that she keeps asking how many more days.  Yesterday afternoon she asked if it was tomorrow yet (because I had told her that morning that gymnastics was tomorrow).  I told her that it is never tomorrow it is always today.  This made me laugh to myself thinking how much my "deep thought" would be over her head, instead of being confused she said, "I knoooow that mooom, but when is it going to be time for gymnastics."  So much for teaching her something this summer.

*Speaking of Kylynn did I tell you she's got some weird fascination lately with coloring on things that she knows she is NOT allowed to color on, the couch, or the carpet for example.  By the way, anyone know how to get crayon out of your carpet or how to get your five your old to obey?

*Now for some links I've been meaning to share (the titles are mine, theirs are more normal):
      From It's Almost Naptime, Vitamin D is speed
      From Russell Moore, Adoption talk from Kung Fu Panda 2
      Also from It's Almost Naptime, 30,000 dollars for their adoption, paid in full by God
      From Sit a Spell, This post had Kyle and I asking hard questions and praying big prayers



everythingismeowsome said...

I am sorry you are getting trouble about your adoption tax credit! This seems to be common this year. We got ours without a hitch. Can I ask if you used an accountant? We did, and it seems that others I spoke to who used an accountant didn't have a problem. We also sent a ridiculous amount of documentation because we weren't sure what they wanted to see. I sure hope you get it soon. Ours is going straight to a minivan once we sell my car!
I have been doing more grocery shopping at night. The stores are so calm and I can actually take my time and read the labels and (gasp!) remember my coupons!

Nilam said...

Your pantry looks awesome! I would NEVER post pictures of mine--it's so messy that it's a wonder I can find anything in it.