Our blackberry bushes were a bust this year, we got a total of around 22 blackberries out of 3 huge bushes. On the other hand we have tomatoes, oh yes we have tomatoes in abundance. I hate to waste food so we've been eating lots of tomatoes (and eggplants, onions, basil, and mint, our other bumper crops). The other day it occurred to me I needed to eat some red meat soon, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten any meat and it's no fun to be anemic.
My favorite tomato recipes so far,
tomato pie (thank you
Elizabeth!) and fried green tomatoes. I'll let Ms. Paul Deen tells you to make a
tomato pie but for the fried green ones just do this, dip green tomato slices in flour, then egg, then panko crumbs, fry until a beautiful golden brown, remove from the oil and grind up some sea salt on top. Oh my they are some kind of wonderful, I just drooled on my keyboard.
I got two of
these dresses from Land's End and they finally came in this month, I waited two whole months, but let me tell you it was worth it. I have a new uniform folks. I wore it to the splash pad in 200 degree heat and I stayed cool. I love it, it is very flattering, I wish I would have ordered three instead of two.
I'm reading
Bringing Up Girls
, by Dr. Dobson. I have cried my eyes out reading this book, mainly because I'm an emotional mess, but also because the book is so insightful into what little girls and women need from their parents. This book is all about meeting your daughter's needs in such a way that she can grow up to be a successful, godly woman. I think I'm going to have to buy it, it is a lot to take in in a few short weeks, and it is definitely a book worth owning.
My pandora station introduced me to,
Ray LaMontagne

, I had never heard of him before and I am smitten. His voice has some physical effect over me, I feel myself relax and refocus on happy things. I wonder if there is any way I could stick my earbuds in my ears and listen to him during Jack's doctor appointments without looking like a crazy person, no?
I drank a whole bottle of Simply Lemonade in about 2 days last week. Oh my it is good stuff, it tastes like homemade lemonade, trust me I know. For some reason I could never grasp today, before I had kids I regularly made lemonade from scratch all summer long, that's right I juiced the lemons by hand. On that same note isn't it funny how before you had kids you thought you were "busy" and now you realize that you didn't even know the meaning of the word busy :).
Did y'all watch Lost? I didn't and I've yet to see an episode, but it seems like every week I read another blog about someone watching Lost on DVD and how much they've enjoyed it. So it's not fair to say I'm loving Lost, but I'm loving the idea of watching Lost this summer, the problem is how to get my hands on the series for free to cheap, I am the only person in the world without Netflix (we use Blockbuster.com....long story), any ideas?
Have you heard of
Seeds Worship music, if you haven't here's all you need to know, it is scripture put to music for children, that will not make you want to "accidentally" break the CD. It is good stuff, the Seeds of Courage CD is so good I listen to it by myself all the time, I'm often in need of courage. The even cooler part is that all the CDs come with an extra copy you can give to a friend, free birthday present, score!
We finished our study a while back, before and after pictures coming soon, and my favorite thing about it is that I finally get to hang up this poster I bought from
Flower patch farmgirl told us about her and really I might just plan another room around one of her prints, I love them that much!
How about you anything you're loving this month, let me in on it, please!
I am suddenly a lemonade fiend as well! And yes to Ray LaMontagne! Sexy voice! Would you believe I've never tried fried green tomatoes...and I live in Alabama for crying out loud! I did watch Lost and I loved it--I bet you could watch it for free on Hulu.com. What I'm loving right now is vanilla ice cream with blackberries and the fact that Matthew has had a good week!
oh, and Words with Friends. I think you have to have an iphone or Android to play it though.
And I totally hear you on the pre-kiddo "busy-ness". what a joke!
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