Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Soon it will be official. Jack will be ours, his name will be Jack and we will celebrate again.

Really I celebrate every day. I keep waiting for the amazement to wear off, for me not to look at him and think him the most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on. For me not to watch him walk across the room and feel pure joy.

I told a friend of mine that raising a child that joined our family through adoption is different in only one way from raising the child that I gave birth to. With Jack, I take nothing for granted. Everyday with him is a gift I might not have had. Everyday a reminder of God's goodness. When I watch him eat normal table food (which he does now) and see him thriving in every way imaginable, it is my proof of God's love, of the power of prayer.

I am sure with time it will all become more mundane, but I don't think I will ever look up at Jack and not feel gratitude.

So you can be sure on Monday once "it's official" we will be celebrating. But for me it will be the usual, Jack makes me want to celebrate life, to celebrate him, to celebrate adoption.

*I will soon post pictures, once I'm at home using the internet again, hopefully that will be soon*

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