Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About those goals...

You may recall back at the beginning of June I made some goals of things to accomplish this summer.  I'm a planner, a list maker, and I love to have some goals that I'm striving for, but I'm also a mom to three whose is currently really proud of herself if the kids get a bath every other night and the dishes stay done.  So there will be no guilt here for things left undone, I just wanted to see how I did.

Here were the goals I set, anything I accomplished I crossed off and the bold are my comments on how it went,

1. Read five of the non-fiction books I have been meaning to read forever.  I am currently reading Mere Christianity (more on that soon) the other four will come from the following list I've got going.  RadicalNo Biking in the House w/o a helmetOrganized SimplicityYear of Plenty (half way done)One Thousand GiftsShepherding a Child's HeartBringing up Boys, Bringing up Girls (2/3 of the way done).  Three out of five ain't too bad, I'll take it!  I will continue to read through this list along with several great books on adoption, orphans, and attachment that I found on Amazon.

2. Read four books for fun.  Duh, this one was a no-brainer, I'm sure I read twice that many, a favorite for those of you who are looking for a good book, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.

3. Get my computer time under control, set up a plan/schedule of rules for healthy computer usage.  I've got nothing to show for this one, I need to roll it over into my school year goals I guess.

4. Greatly related to #3, get back into the routine and then habit of spending time DAILY in God's word as well as continued prayer throughout the day.  This one continues to be one I struggle with I did well for a while then fell out of the habit, then spent the rest of the summer having a dedicated "quite time" about 3-4 times a week, again I need to roll this over into my school year goals.

5. Get together with several friends I haven't seen in the past few months.  I was so proud of myself I actually saw a ton of different friends this summer, I need to keep that up!

6. Finish organizing our study, and set up a workable work area for me.  I am stuck on this one, I would like to purchase a sort of work space table from IKEA that will be perfect for this space and Kyle is in no hurry to drive over to a city 2 hours away for a piece of furniture, so for now my work space is frustratingly unorganized.

7. Hang the various wall hangings throughout the house that have been bought in the past six months.  Nope, not this one either, however I did buy more things to hang on walls, so we can spend even more time figuring out where everything goes :).

8. Complete my sewing projects.  (That is the funniest sentence I've ever typed, but I'm serious, really, kind of, no I have to get it done!)  Y'all I should have a party to celebrate this.  I put a backing on the curtains in Chloe's room and made 4 of the 8 pillows I needed to make BUT they were so easy I will finish the next 4 in a one night sitting soon.

9. Goals for teaching Jack:
*Potty trained.  This has to happen this summer or I suddenly become a homeschooler and need to add some more goals and books to my summer :)
*Begin to write his name.  I was aiming too high here, I should have written begin to write (as in scribble and this he did begin to do this summer).
*Work on counting to 10.  He's got 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 just need to fill in the middle :)

10. Goals for teaching Kylynn:
*Know all letters and the sounds they make
*Count to 20, write numbers 1-10
*be able to swim.  I totally failed on this one, I never even call the swim instructor to set up lessons, our summer was really that crazy, next summer.

Now I wish I would have put on my list, watch obnoxious amounts of Lost, check!  And in an amazing turn of events paint our entire den, check!

How about you, what'd you accomplish this summer and what are your goals for the school year, or do does the word "goal" make you think of Mia Hamm?


everythingismeowsome said...

I thought I was going to take the boys to the water park once a week. Snort!!! We went 4 times though, I think.

You did a lot this summer!

TheLudlows said...

Well, I happen to know some people who will be living next to an IKEA very soon, so all that may be necessary for a new desk for organization is some room in their minivan and a trip back to see old friends.