Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Goodbye mountains, hello real world

I've been out of touch, I know. I blogged that once on our drive up, but was very happy to be completely disconnected from the rest of the world once we made it to New Mexico. My cell phone was dead and I forgot my charger (it really was an accident, but a happy one), there was no internet at the house we stayed at and I didn't turn on a TV for 10 days. It was refreshing.

But now we're back, we got in Monday afternoon and I went to Kroger to get some food and thought to myself, wow, there sure is a lot of lights and noise at this store, a lot of people too. I felt a little like I have when I've visited different countries. But don't worry it's all coming back to me the fast pace, the need to get on the computer to blog, the desire to pick up a phone and call people. Oh and don't forget the things to pack everywhere I look.

I have pictures for you, but Kyle has stolen them and they are at his office, so unfortunately that will have to wait till tomorrow. If you're looking for a relaxing vacation, in a place that requires a sweater in the evenings I highly recommend Ruidoso, NM.

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