There is a book titled What a difference a Daddy makes by Kevin Leman. If you are the father of a girl, I think this is one of the most important books to read. On this father’s day I’m here to tell you that it is indeed true. The way you raise your daughter (fathers) will forever shape who she is, what she believes about herself, and her perception of God.
I remember the first time I realized that not all fathers were as wonderful as mine. I was probably about 8 to 10 years old and we were having dinner at another family’s house. We were eating fried chicken and so when I went to make my plate I took a breast (because I don’t like dark meat). The father of that family told me I needed to take a leg because the white meat was for the adults. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it struck me then and has never left me, that my dad always let us take the food first and then he would fill his plate, my father would never take the best and give me the leftovers.
I have been in many bible studies where women struggled greatly with the idea of God as our “Father”. For them the person that was father represented a lot of pain in their lives and I could tell that this caused a great struggle when they tried to relate to God on that very important level. I always feel so overwhelmingly blessed in those moments, not because my father is perfect, but because he was a wonderful example of the father, God is to us, and that is the way God designed it to be. We are made in His image and we are to try and parent in His image.
These are the things my father taught me that I believe God too teaches us, I was so blessed to have learned them first from my earthly father so that I would be able to believe my heavenly Father. He loves me unconditionally, really, even if I mess up horribly he still loves me. He will lovingly discipline me when I disobey, this if for my good so that I can learn to be an adult who disciplines ones self. To not discipline me would have been to fail me and to cause an unhappy future. He put my needs before my own, he changed my diapers (not as many as you mom!) even when that was not his first choice of activities. By doing this he taught me the ability to put other’s needs before my own and this pleases God. He taught me I am beautifully and wonderfully made and I should not allow anyone to treat me otherwise, this is also how God views His children also and He does not want us to allow others to harm us or for us to harm ourselves. He taught me about faith, that it is a journey forever moving along hopefully growing closer to God, but inevitably having times when we grow distant. But the faith I’ve learned assures me even in those dark times our God is still there with a love a million times greater even then the love my father showed to me, and let me tell you that’s saying something!
I love you, Dad. Happy Father’s Day.
What a great testimony to your dad. I aspire to be a father like this. Here's to a good dad.
I like Kevin Leman's books too!
Have you seen his great videos?
I found some of Kevin's video previews here:
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