Everyone needs good friends, especially if you plan on adopting. My family does not live in the same city with us so I feel especially blessed with the wonderful friends God has given me that really are part of my family.
One of my friends, C, has blessed my life in so many ways. Among other things she is my walking buddy. She was so gracious to invite me along for her morning walks with her daughter, without her I have about a 5% chance of making it on a walk, but when I have her company to look forward to, I'm there! Thanks to C, my butt is smaller than it used to be :)
One of the things I love most about C is that she brought alive to me Acts 4:32, "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had." I kid you not if we were out walking and I asked her if I could use her shirt because Kylynn was cold she would give it to me. God has really used her to stretch me and see the joy and testimony to the world in loving each other with a selfless attitude.
She also shares her life with me and lends me her ear to hear about mine. This week has been stinky as she is gone far far away to visit family, I miss her company! God has really blessed my life with a friend that sees many things in a similar light, this is wonderful because often I see issues differently than some of the women I know. We give each other the freedom of being who we are without judgment.
So C, come home soon! Me, Kylynn, and even the monkey miss you! And my butt is getting bigger by the day! :)
*For anyone not familiar with my neighborhood, the picture of the gorilla is in a yard that we pass each morning on our walk, the girls love it!*
isn't he a crazy gorilla, jenny? i can't believe the time that those people who he lives with have to change his clothes, costumes, makeup, etc. ;) i'm sorry i didn't see you again at church this morning, but my email address is texhickmans@gmail.com
have a great week...
sharen leigh
Good friends are a blessing. I can't count the number of people, even friends, I've spoken with who didn't hear what I had to say, or catch the concern or trouble in my plight. I'm glad God blessed you with good community in C.
C here. You are too sweet. I'm so glad to have a great friend like you just around the corner! We're glad to be back. Hopefully we can do something about the size of my backside too!
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