If it were up to me in the spring (early spring that is) I would live outside, play outside, eat outside, sleep outside. Part of the reason is my chores are all inside and my husband's chores are (almost) all outside, so when I walk outside I don't see anything I have to-do, but instead a beautiful yard that magically stays that way.
We love to watch the birds, so we have a bird-friendly backyard. We have a bird bath, several trees, and of course a bird feeder. And it works, the birds come, all different colors and sizes and Kylynn and I watch them amazed at their beauty and their songs.
Most of all I love to be outside in nature because it is where I am able to experience God the most. When I get lost in this world and I cannot hear His voice, I go sit quietly outside and am finally able to “Be still, and know that I am God!" Psalm 46:10. One of my favorite verses is Luke 19:38-40: (the crowd of disciples began)" shouting, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Wow! the stones will cry out! It makes me feel like I am surrounded by a creation that knows it's creator and wants to sing His praises. So in my backyard, I too remember my creator, how great He really is, and I begin to sing His praises.
We had to take a picture of our backyard for the adoption and considering how great I think it is, in the back of mind I thought, this is a bonus for us, they're going to see this backyard and move us up on the list :). And really now matter how much I know that's most likely not true, part of me believes that this backyard will help bring home the perfect child to us.
Here are some pictures from this past weekend of spring in Texas, but not in our backyard :)
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